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All types of basil belong to the mint family, and people have been growing some kinds of basil for over 5,000 years. Most basil is used in cooking. You might know sweet basil from Italian dishes, but there are also many other kinds of basil used in Asian cooking. What is basil? Basil, part of the (Lamiaceae) mint family, is commonly used in cooking, especially sweet basil. There are various types of basil, and you can find it fresh or dried. It’s easy to grow at home. Besides its culinary uses, basil has a history of medicinal use. Holy basil,…

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Rosemary is a tasty herb from the Mediterranean that people use in cooking, like in chicken and lamb dishes. It’s not just delicious – it’s also got some health benefits. Some think it helps with muscle pain, memory, and boosts the immune system. But, be careful if you’re taking certain medicines because rosemary might not mix well with them. What Is Rosemary? Rosemary is a plant that stays alive for a long time, and it comes from the Mediterranean. Its fancy name is Rosmarinus officinalis, but you can just call it rosemary. It’s part of the mint family and has…

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Aloe Vera is a cool plant with big, green leaves that people like to keep in their homes because it looks nice. Its name comes from the Arabic word “Alloeh,”  which means a “shiny bitter substance,” and the Latin word “vera,” meaning “true.” Many countries, such as Egypt, Greece, Mexico, India, China, and Japan, have used aloe vera for a long time. Aloe vera is often called the “plant of immortality” and has been loved for centuries because it’s good for your health and skin. Even famous people like Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus used it for healing wounds.…

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